Ep 195: The 2024 Travel & Tourism Wishlist for South East Asia

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10 Jan 2024 • 37m18s

As we begin the second full calendar year of travel and tourism in South East Asia since the pandemic, it’s time to look ahead at what 2024 might offer. This week, Gary and Hannah discuss their Top 10 list of travel and tourism wishes, expectations and forecasts for 2024.

It’s going to a be competitive and challenging year, but scratching beneath the surface what are the critical issues to be addressed? We expect visa waivers will be a key destination battleground, ponder whether ASEAN should create a statistical standard for benchmarking tourist arrivals and talk tough on Revenge Travel and Generative AI.

We analyse the transformative impacts of climate change and extreme weather for travel across the region, and address the ‘Say-Do’ sustainability gap for Asian travellers.

Plus, why is the Weekend Economy a topic of interest to watch in 2024, and could Thailand enjoy a signifiant diversity boost for tourism this year?

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